Sunday, April 16, 2006

thinking of naming a baby?

then check out the social security administration website to see how popular the name is. jasper ranked 581st in 2004 while lucas, our close second, ranked 67th! our close third option was joshua which was the 3rd most popular name in 2004!


Anonymous said...

Joey, I am so happy to hear that the name ... Japser.. is so far down on the list of popular names. He certainly won't have the problem of confusing Jasper O. and Jasper A.B. or C.!You have made us proud! It is actually getting easier to say. gmj

Anonymous said...

Joey and Mara,
This is cousin Rose. Timbo sent the link. I have been cracking up at all your pictures and comments. My only question is why didn't you name the boy Fredrick, Kurt or Gayogg? (All outstanding names from the Vontrap family singers) Congratulations, he is adorable and Jasper Jones has a good ring to it! Can't wait to meet him this summer.

joey said...

cousin rose! ouch! why didnt you vote for those in my ealier " name suggestions?" post? you will be happy to know that i have the sound of music playing on repeat in his bedroom.

Anonymous said...

Joey- you are so turning into dad. :)


Anonymous said...

Statistically speaking, I noticed GM Jones at 560 (Sharon) for 2004, remakably close to little Jasper in the obsecure name category. Continuing this tradition, from the top 1,000 names of the 2000 decade, the next male could be Ulysses, Yosef, or Oswald, the next female baby could be Paloma, Yolanda, or Monserat; all of which are in the bottom 500 of this list. I don't remember any Saints by these names......