my first diaper change
mara snapped this action shot of my first diaper change. unfortunately, i got baby feces all over my hands. luckily, it did not smell. also, the kid would not stop crying, even after my repeated requests to just hold on a second while i changed him. i told the guys at shadedbox who recommended that i invest in a pair of rubber gloves.for those who are interested, its consistency was thick and tar-like, with a burnt sienna color and tone. after futher inspection, it did not contain any traces of corn kernels or nuts.
Joey, did you have to hold a cup?
vivi, that was halarious! there was no urination involved, thus no need for a cup.
That sums up every crap you have had the last 31 years except you failed to mention that you are able to clear a room with your noxious odor. I feel for your poor mom and now for Mara as the baby will surely have wicked gas just like his dad.
Joey, get used to baby crap under your fingernailos for the next few years. I sure did. We are all praying that little Jasper inherited his Mother's bowels and pleasant odor. Otherwise, Mara may need a few new windows in Pasadena. How soon b4 you take him to lunch at Poco loco?
So is that like a "Winsor Newton" burnt sienna? Or more of a "Rembrandt" or "Schmincke" burnt sienna? :D
I think he is already taking after Mara- if I remember correctly yours were more like cannon balls as a baby, frequently stopping up the toilet. Love, Aunt Kathy
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