Monday, May 15, 2006

first crib nap

jasper asked us if he was old enough to take a nap in his crib for the first time. this kid is already growing up too fast.


Anonymous said...

It actually looks like there is some lil' fat appearing on "them there" legs! Can't wait to do some necessary squeezing!!!! ... oh and some hugging!

Anonymous said...


auntie jess

Anonymous said...

It appears that I am the only one commenting on the most recent photos. Where is everyone else?????

Anonymous said...

I have appointed myself Princess of Cary, also, and tax everyone $100/each. Remit immediately. I also grew 2 inches yesterday. My new name is Carolina.

Anonymous said...

it appears that grandpa Jones is at it again. He has been enjoying impersonating me once again.That last comment is one of his mind releasing moments.