Monday, May 05, 2008


the good news is that we've spoken to Children's Hospital + they now believe we should wait to see if the new medicine will help with jasper's eye before we put him under to look at the eye.

the bad news is that if his eye is still looking bad, the chances he will have to undergo a cornea transplant increase a great deal.

mara actually feels a great amount of stress has been released now that she wont have to worry about jasper going under while she's recouperating from the c-section.

lastly, if jasper does indeed have a cornea transplant, the doctors will most likely implant the lens. this is somewhat good news as we have now idea how we will be able to place the contact lens in each day. this kid is stong + stubborn! (a bit like his mommy)

i forgot i had taken this pic with my phone from last week's appointment.

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