Sunday, September 17, 2006

sleepy eyes

jasper just after waking up this morning.


Anonymous said...

Momma J-I have some inside information for you regarding your son and this blog. He has been spending his free time downloading music. I tried to scold him, but it didn't work. This was my last resort! I know you can get to him. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Joey-I had to do it. I was very disappointed when I got home from work today and you still had the Sept. 17th posting up. Dude- it the 20th!

joey said...

you sold me out "klg"

Anonymous said...

I guess me only question right now is who is klg? YOu are right though. WE need to have an update. Now!

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with the masses... it looks from the picture even Jasper is getting tired of this pic!!!

Anonymous said...

we need a new pic. MORE JASPER
