Wednesday, August 09, 2006

"im still pissed"

even in the car, jasper would not drop it. i promised him one day soon i'd explain what cherry cobbler is. he was smiling after that.


Anonymous said...

I am in seventh heaven with all of the new pictures.Thank you , thank you. thank you. This has made my day.

Anonymous said...

he is soooo funny!


Anonymous said...

I think Jasper is really saying "Eli bring it ON!!!

Anonymous said...

I often wonder what Jasper is thinking when he sees that camera looking at him and in his face. I'm sure he thinks that it is apart of his parents faces right now.

Anonymous said...

i want more pictures!!!

joey said...

his name is jasper, not jazz.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I am liking jazz better and better every day.I'm his grandmama ... I can call him anything that I want! hahaha