Friday, June 23, 2006

grandmom murnane was there

as my brother Ben walked into the church, he felt something in his pocket. when Ben pulled out the prayer card from my grandmother’s funeral, we couldn’t help but to think it was a sign from her. to boot, yesterday was the anniversary of my grandmom murnane’s death.

it was also quite fitting for ben to pull it out after what has happened to him and his future wife over the past year. i often wonder how different things would be if she were still alive. i’ve learned some valuable lessons over the past few months on how religion, when mixed with ego, fear, and irrational thinking, leads away from the teachings of Christ. and i'm not talking about Iraq.


Anonymous said...

You gotta feel that GGM Murnane was there in spirit.

joey said...

thanks jess- tolerance is for people to tolerate each other. i want people to listen and understand one another + to stop + think for themselves with common sense.