my brother ben can fall asleep upside down, through a firework display, and even through our sister's gas. i think jasper may have inherited the gene! the other night, mara + i walked in and found jasper like this...
thats me when i was close to jasper's age.
i just discovered something pretty cool. if you google "joey and mara", our site comes up second. just as cool, google also thinks we might be trying to look for joey o'mara, some irish mate with a very cool name!
also interesting, it pulls up the june archives page...possibly because so much was happening last summer. maybe it was all the people reliving their time in CA and PA those magical 2 days!
jasper + i got to stay home and do boys stuff (like cleaning my bike). the girls on the other hand, went to see justin timberlake. thank God i didn't have to go.
my brother sam turned 13 on friday. i can't believe he is a teenager.
there arn't many picts of all three of us, so we figured we duck into a near by photo booth and recreate our favorite moments from the film Amelie.
i've got one very cool wife! i recently bought a bike to get from work + back. the other day, i asked if i could hang it as a piece of art while at night and on the weekends when not in use...and she agreed.
mara took jasper to disneyland last week with a bunch of mom friends. she took our camera and snapped this pict of jasper on the carasel.
jasper already has girls grabbing his butt!
i feel blessed to have been present for jasper's very first burrito. although it may have not been one i would have recommended as his first, i don't think it tainted his impressions of them too much(his face quickly turned to smiles after his first bite). just wait till he gets to visit La Corneta again.